What is the best way to care for lingerie?

Why is lingerie care important? Caring for your lingerie is essential to keep your delicate pieces of fabric looking beautiful and comfortable over the long term. Lingerie is made of fabrics like lace and mesh mainly, often with stretchy fibers. It is therefore important to take good care of it […]
What is a “kink”?

Have you ever heard the term “kink” or “kinky”? In fact, the term “kink” or “kinky” sexuality refers to a sexuality that is labeled as outside the norm unlike vanilla sexuality, which is considered conventional by society. “Kinky” sexuality […]
Leather handcuffs: introduction to sexual relations

Soft Bondage: Leather Handcuffs First of all, leather handcuffs are associated with the consensual sexual practice of “bondage,” that is, the excitement that comes from tying up a person or being tied up. There are several ways to practice “bondage,” including with […]
How to find the right size in lingerie?

Lingerie sizes: a real headache Lingerie is a type of clothing that is complex because the piece of fabric will follow the body closely without rarely covering it 100%. Certain parts of the body will therefore be exposed, such as the hips, stomach, neckline, thighs, etc. […]
Fleure’s Word – Fetish Weekend Montreal

First experience at the Montreal Fetish Weekend In my role as a designer, I am a person who is constantly looking for inspiration and stimulation, both visually and psychologically. I want to feel new sensations that are unknown to me in order to push my artistic journey further and further in my head and in practice with […]
Council stimulation

This morning I woke up seeing the glow directed, My warm body lying on my crumpled white sheets. Barely found on the side to feel my skin brushed, The lightness of the fabric surrounding me was enough, To feel my head begin to slip away. Towards a moment focused on my own momentum. Everything in […]
Libertine club

We arrived in this universe on a Saturday night. Our Valentine's Day evening, we had said. We arrive at the club. The bar at the back of the bar, and the house music in the background. We observe around us. Who will come to observe us tonight. We take a tour of the place. I feel like Aliss. […]

You came in through the patio door. I had taken the trouble to leave it unlocked. I was waiting at the other end of the corridor, one hand resting on the wall. Despite the gigantism of the sweater I was wearing, it was just long enough to cover my buttocks but still allowed a glimpse of the garter belts on my thighs. I […]
The cheek on my menstruation

Before wiping himself on my pillowcase He pulled out, bloody Fixed on his cock, we watched it We watched it slide gently out of me As if curious to see if my blood had stained it I saw my thighs, the color of passion I saw his member come out I felt his member come out I gave birth Gently The towel […]
Hey, you know what?

You know what, I never told you But, sometimes I stop and think about your tongue. I imagine what you're doing And when will be the next moment when your saliva Can flow into my mouth. You know what, I never told you But, I wish you […]